
The Blockchain Psyop

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A Case of Technical Diversion

Ever since The earlier days of personally entering into the cryptosphere in early 2017 in full force, at least more so than my prior years of engagement in the space back when I first had my interest of BTC sparked in 2012, the increased economic activity and the interests of big tech, fintech, and capital markets towards the end of 2017 and into the following year focused on a diversionary tangential aspect of the crypto world. And that special focus and hype was surrounding what was being blurted out almost every half second, that being “blockchain”.

It has even reached to such a point that this was thee ultimate revolutionary technology that is going to radically change the world. And to the technically unaware, all of this sounds quite envigorating. This publication aims to correct this fictitious notion.

What has been energetically advocated with the power of a form of evangelical advocacy was focused on blockchain more-so than bitcoin as an economic standard, even to the point that this focus was in cognitively change the conception that people had on the crypto coin called bitcoin from viewing bitcoin as the revolutionary product, to now blockchain as that revolutionary product. Hence, the title of this very publication, the Blockchain Psyop. This has been expounded before by a great geopolitical commentator, James Corbett, in which he titles this in a podcast called “the Bitcoin Psyop”.

However, the aim of this endeavor is to accurately called it what it is, a blockchain psyop as opposed to bitcoin being the psyop, and I wish to add further details.

In order to ascertain accurate knowledge of the subject, one should ask “what is blockchain?”

Blockchain is a portion, or a sector, that keeps the entire bitcoin protocol afloat. But is it revolutionary? No, it is not. People who think it is, do not understand what it is. Technically, the blockchain is just what would be called in the tech world as a “database”. That is technically what a blockchain is. And thus as it relates to bitcoin, the blockchain is a database that records the digital transactions that take place on the bitcoin protocol, that is one bitcoin address transacting a transaction with another bitcoin address, thus as a tool of economics, this database is storing the ledger of all transactions, which is used to secure the entire realm of the transaction ecosystem to prevent fraudulent transactions within the network.

HOW it does this is what is revolutionizing, NOT that the actual digital cyberprint known as the blockchain, is what is revolutionizing. The how that it does this is through a technical physical field of nodes that keep track of the entire bitcoin protocol, its ledger, and the mining process by miners, and the underlying protocol of it all that unifies the entire ecosystem in place is “decentralization”. Thee revolutionizing feature that is the radical altering of the world order is decentralizing, NOT blockchain, or if you want to apply the “call a spade a spade” rule, a database.

Databases have been in existence for years. And that is technically what the blockchain is, is a database of interconnecting singular mb files with a digital hash that correctly connects it to the previous block and waiting for the next block that is verified to be stringed and connected to it within the blockchain. So just the blockchain itself is not the revolutionary act.

Mind you, there have even been previous iterations of decentralized databases. What do you think an actual torrenting network is. The torrent system is set in such a way that it runs as a p2p decentralized distributed protocol such that downloading a torrent file is simply combining parts of a piece of file from a pool of few or many nodes that host that very file, while there being no actual centralized server for most torrent files. Hence why it is p2p (peer-to-peer) like bitcoin. But what is the revolution here??

The revolution was Nakamoto using the old noggin up there, and applying this exact same protocol, but into the realm of economics, money, rather than just files. Thus, a proper analogous statement is that bitcoin does to money what torrenting does to files. It decentralizes custodial power from a central power figure like a single point server and distributes power to the entire network of participants. That is where the true revolution is at.

Blockchain in the early days was typically construed as synonymous with bitcoin, which is understood that bitcoin was the first tool to form such a concept, but around money. But as time passed and people became fixated on the blockchain, they began to assume that it was the revolutionizing feature of the bitcoin revolution and missing the forest from the trees, that the revolution is in decentralization.

But there is more to this psyop. As blockchain became the thematic focus on cryptocurrencies, people began loosing focus on decentralization and began following new ideas that reverted the revolutionizing elements of the movement BACK to a centralized theme, which is thee status quo, the very same old world order that bitcoin came to fight against. A blockchain that is centralized in someone’s server or a companies group of nodes that they themselves control, is literally the apex of this psyop. The psyop is in literally diffusing the real world revolutionary act of bitcoin with its decentralized protocol and the global problem humanity itself faces, which is an economic criminal element between the dominant minority of powers, the managerial class they employ to maintain this global order, and the people on the other end of the stick. A blockchain i.e. a database stored on someone or some corporate, government, or banking server in centralized fashion is NOT revolutionizing at all, it is simply business as usual. Thus two things happen as a result of this psyop due to it being business as usual!

A. It nullifies what bitcoin came to fight, centralized power of money!

B. It diverts the revolutionizing energy that came with bitcoin towards blockchain i.e. literally a database. And if that “blockchain” is centralized, then absolutely not a shred of change has happened.

This is technically the problem with the whole blockchain advertisement industry that brute-forced its way onto the scene since late 2017 up until today. Most of this blockchain evangelism unfortunately resides within the realm of centralized authorities and servers. And if something is ultimately centralized, then that becomes antithetical to the root cause of what made bitcoin bitcoin and what it came to fight against.

Im not entirely against blockchain industries that have emerged. I’am merely engaging in decrypting this matter by identifying what the problem is, a psyop that causes people to miss the forest from the trees.

#bitcoin #blockchain